Nabór Śródroczny na Rok Akademicki 24/25 TRWA!
Przyjmujemy Studentów także z innych Uczelni.
Prawo / Psychologia / Pielęgniarstwo / Zdrowie Publiczne – studia licencjackie / studia magisterskie
Erasmus + programem wymiany międzynarodowej, który jest kontynuacją (nową odsłoną) programu Erasmus. Celem programu Erasmus + jest podnoszenie jakości kształcenia w krajach uczestniczących w tym programie poprzez rozwijanie międzynarodowej współpracy między uczelniami oraz wspieranie mobilności studentów i pracowników szkół wyższych.
Uczelnie biorące udział w programie Erasmus mają możliwość:
Jakie korzyści płyną z wymiany akademickiej dla studentów i pracowników?
Jeżeli ktoś z Państwa jest zainteresowany zapraszamy do kontaktu
Narodowa Agencja Erasmus +
Erasmus charter for higher education – sprawdź!
The Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences was established in 2007 and is a fast developing institution situated in central Poland. The geographic position provides us with a lot of possibilities The main is certainly very good rail and road communication with the north, south, east and west of Poland. The fact that Radom is closely positioned to Warsaw, which has the biggest airport in Poland, makes it easier for foreign students to use direct transport to our city.The Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences authorities are conscious of the need for international relationships necessary in education and research between universities and politechnics in the European Union, as well as other world regions. Our University has taken first measures in international cooperation. In result, an agreement on student and staff exchange with University of Poltava, University of Kiev and Academy of Physical Education and Tourism in Pruszków has been signed.
The Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences is ready to implement educational and research-related programs with a wide group of foreign partners. As presently one of the standards at universities, academies and colleges is cooperation with appropriate institutions, our priority is to establish cooperation which would increase the possibility of student, teaching and administrative staff mobility in the Academy. International cooperation is also a significant incentive for the progress of teaching staff.
The Academy has also got a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Radom.
The example of our Academy’s development is the continuously growing number of subjects on offer.
In the first year of the Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences existence students could choose between the following specializations: Administration, Finances and Accountancy, Public Health. In 2008 Ministry of Science and Higher Education agreed to open in our Academy new specializations such as: Pedagogy, Social Work. In June 2009 the Academy extended the offer adding another specialization – Physical Education. Apart from that, an application concerning opening new specializations such as Engineering and Philology has been submitted to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences attempts to improve the quality of teaching. To facilitate the learning process for foreign students, classes will be conducted in English.
Our objective is to educate students equipping them with theoretical and practical knowledge so that they could successfully look for jobs in domestic as well as foreign markets.
In order to ensure full clarity of the Erasmus Program the present Erasmus Policy Statement will be published on the website of the Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences after the authorities of the School approval Extended Erasmus University Charter and the contents of Policy will be sent to all organisational units for implementation. The contents of those documents will be enclosed published materials and announced during meetings with students, teaching staff and ECTS coordinators. Updated information concerning this program will also be published in our academic magazine.
Our wish is to provide free access to Lifelong Learning Program, regardless of students’ race, religion, nationality or disability.
To provide high quality of mobility, our Academy created administrative powers, which conduct consultations between Academic Coordinator, Manager of Bureau of Career, Pro-Dean, Dean and Rector. Durning that consultations will be touch upon a question about mobility from connected with Erasmus Program. Also will be establish rules of recrutation persons who are interested to take part on LLP and will be carry out qualification’s procedure.
To improve exchange system and define optimal program for student, the School is working on application from which will be available on our School’s webside. To cope and to comply with mobility policy, students of Erasmus will not lose they privileges (scholarships). Academy will try to help, in financial way, students who study in foreign country.
On Higher School of Social and Technical Sciences has been interposed in all faculties ECTS system. Above that graduate our Academy get Diploma Supplement. In accordance with directives of Bolognese Process, system of education is divide on three degrees. Our Academy is teaching in first cycle degrees in full-time and part-time. The Bureau of Career is publishing information through web side, posters, leaflets, brochures or consultations with students and teachers who are interested to international exchange concerning Erasmus Program. The issue of protection for students who arrive to our Academy, we will solve on following way: cooperation with students – volunteer, who will take care of students from another country in his first days in Poland. Academy will help foreign students to find accommodation for nights, which will be as near from our Academy as it’s possibility.
One of the most important elements of education is only theoretical preparation but also practical. In connection with this issue, Academy is trying to guarantee placements for students. The Higher School Of Social and Technical Sciences has many partners, who prepare students to be competent employee acquire theoretical and practical knowledge. Agreements are writing out in clear and legible way, so every side will have consciousness about tasks which they must fulfill in education’s process. With interest our Academy of Erasmus Program, we would like to come into co-operation with foreign firms or institutions. All information about regional and international placements student can receive in Bureau of Career. Every trainee, before start placements, will has draw up job’s plan, which will be approve by authorities of departments from his/her department. Durning placements students will be constrained to keep a diary of placements. All students will have placement’s guardian, who helps and tells students substantial knowledge. Guardian will visit in firms or institutions where placements are realizing. The Academy of Social and Technical Science will qualify holidays practices as a professional practices If criteria for given specialization will be fulfill.
Our Academy would like to guide placements in high quality, so our institution will collect CVs from persons who are interested to exchange and send this CVs to intermediary’s organization who select placements according with education, specialization, language abilities and qualifications.
Finansowanie wyjazdu ze środków Erasmus+ i rozliczenie wyjazdu:
Kwota dofinansowania indywidualnego dla Uczestnika (czyli wyjeżdżającego pracownika) zostanie obliczona w następujący sposób: suma iloczynu liczby dni mobilności i stawki dziennej dla danego kraju przyjmującego oraz kwoty ryczałtowej określonej na podróż.
Stawki dofinansowania indywidualnego:
Stawka dzienna na koszty zakwaterowania i utrzymania:
Dania, Holandia, Irlandia, Szwecja, Wielka Brytania – 130 EUR
Austria, Belgia, Bułgaria, Cypr, Czechy, Finlandia, Francja, Grecja, Islandia, Liechtenstein,
Luksemburg, Norwegia, Polska, Rumunia, Turcja, Węgry, Włochy – 110 EUR
Hiszpania, FYROM (Była Republika Jugosławii Macedonia), Łotwa, Malta, Niemcy, Portugalia,
Słowacja – 100 EUR
Chorwacja, Estonia, Litwa, Słowenia – 80 EUR
Stawka ryczałtu na koszty podróży:
od 100 do 499 km – 180 EUR
od 500 do 1999 km – 275 EUR
od 2000 do 2999 km – 360 EUR
od 3000 do 3999 km – 530 EUR
od 4000 do 7999 km – 820 EUR
powyżej 7999 km – 1100 EUR
W celu przyjęcia właściwej stawki, zależnej od pokonanego dystansu, należy użyć kalkulatora online,
dostępnego pod adresem internetowym Komisji Europejskiej (KE):
Miejscem wyjazdu z kraju organizacji wysyłającej (uczelni wysyłającej) będzie miejsce jej lokalizacji, natomiast analogicznym miejscem przyjazdu, będzie lokalizacja organizacji przyjmującej (uczelni/instytucji przyjmującej).
Warunkiem uznania wyjazdu za uprawniony i jego rozliczenia jest również – obok złożenia w Dziale Współpracy z Zagranicą – Biurze Programu Erasmus+ KA1 zaświadczenia potwierdzającego realizację wyjazdu zgodnie z zatwierdzonym planem i terminem – wypełnienie przez Uczestnika raportu-ankiety on-line, najpóźniej w terminie 30 dni od dnia otrzymania wezwania do jego złożenia. Złożenie ankiety w wymaganej formie jest warunkiem uznania wyjazdu za uprawniony.
Uczestnik, który nie złoży w terminie raportu-ankiety zostanie zobowiązany do pełnego zwrotu otrzymanego dofinansowania UE. Wezwanie do złożenia raportu-ankiety zostanie przesłane na adres e-mail Uczestnika wskazany w umowie pomiędzy Uczestnikiem a Uczelnią.
Uczestnik przyjmie do wiadomości i zgodzi się, że maksymalny okres finansowania mobilności, to jest wyjazdu i pobytu w ramach programu Erasmus+ KA1 HE, w celu prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych lub uczestnictwa w szkoleniu (realizacji szkolenia) wynosi 5 dni, to jest 5 stawek dziennych (oraz ryczałt na koszty podróży) bez względu na rzeczywisty okres pobytu (w przypadku wyjazdu łączącego pobyt z dofinansowaniem z programu oraz pobyt (powyżej 5 dni) bez dofinansowania).
Kazdy pracownik chcący wyjechać na styopendium Erasmus + powinien:
Zgłoszenia proszę kierować do koordynatora Erasmus +